Paddle Courses
Learn to canoe and kayak with us…
Whether you are looking for your first steps in learning to canoe or kayak or for an advanced course, Oulton Broad Water Sports Centre is a great place to learn in a safe environment. As a certified PaddleUK training centre, we have the knowledge and experience to deliver a range of paddle sports courses. Our Paddle Start Award introduces the basics of paddling and the Discover Award will help you to develop advanced skills to the point where you can confidently canoe or kayak independently.
Paddle Start Award
Your first time on the water โhaving a goโ! A fun and enjoyable practical session, introducing you to paddle sport. Learning useful skills for an enjoyable paddling experience, providing you with the knowledge to enable you to get safely in and out of your boat, launching, turning and recovering, ensuring you feel safe on the water.
PaddleUK (British Canoeing) Paddle Discover Award
Taking you on the next steps towards becoming an independent paddler, for a fun and safe time on the water. Developing an understanding of the factors which affect your paddling; developing your decision-making and practical skills, giving you confidence on the water.